What do you think of when you hear the word yoga? When I hear the word yoga, I think of: Structure, Control, Balance, Angles, Mindfulness, Peace, and Clarity. When I think of balance in yoga, I think of practicing balance poses like: Tree Pose “Vrksasana” and Royal Dancer "Natarajasana". These poses will help to gain both physical and mental steadiness and poise. Tree Pose improves focus and concentration while calming the mind. Royal Dancer is a more advanced pose, it requires the same concentration and calmness. By learning these techniques, one can transfer them into every day life. Practice when something feels too hard or complicated. Yoga teaches balance to your work load by climbing life, one day at a time. Sometimes hour by hour; minute by minute. Once these steps are completed you will find that what once seemed "too hard" or "too complicated" became easier. It becomes second nature. A few Sundays ago, was getting ready to teach my class in the park. A Woman with her daughter walked up to me and asked if she could join. She was at the park to join a different yoga class from meetup.com when she stumbled across us. I told her she was welcome to join our session if she could not locate the other group. She decided to stay. While going through the poses I noticed that her one year old daughter was climbing all over her but she continued to hold steady.
She was very calm and never allowed the disturbance of her daughter to disrupt her focus. I was wowed at the control and balance she had.
"Yoga Goals" I thought to myself. I mentioned the young lady and her daughter because she appeared to have conquered the art of balancing her everyday life with a child. She was still able to do what she enjoyed while having her daughter with her. For some people, especially a new mom, it takes a lot of practice to find the perfect balance in life. You learn when it is time to be serious and try to remember when it's time to play. It's the ying which balances the yang. Like the moon balances the sun, we need to find something to balance our lifes. That is what yoga does for me. It has taught me how to calm my anxiety and find a balance to help control the out come of a difficult situation. I still struggle from time to time on finding that balance, I know one day I will master the art of mindfulness and balance. I urge everyone to continue searching for a balance in your life. Make sure you can always see the light at the end of the tunnel. If yoga doesn't provide that to you, I encourage you: find something that does. It maybe drawing, writing, dancing, or singing. Whatever it is, find it and cherish it. Thank you for joining me in Yoga Sunday. Make waves and become the Myth Mermaidstace